
Scientist's Kitchen

因為論文難產,很久沒寫文章了。上上上週五,因著英文課要報告食譜的緣故,忙裡偷閒地到市場買菜,匆忙生出了兩道料理。一直都想找時間把這件事貼上來,不過似乎生不出一個特定的空檔。趁著等data之餘,就邊跑程式、邊跟大家分享我們的『創意』料理吧!再忙,也要跟大家 五四三 吃午餐~

Long time no see everybody~~Today during the break of waiting my numerical data,  I want to share the recipes of two fabulous dishes with you: baked spare ribs and lemon fried wings.



肋排 1200克(也就是兩斤的意思)
蘆筍 一把
甜椒 三顆
蘋果 一顆
烤肉醬 一瓶
醬油 一碗

雞翅 六支
雪碧 200c.c.
檸檬 兩顆(大多數用在擺盤XD)
醬油 一碗
鹽 一小匙


<<Baked spare ribs>> (4 servings)
1200g   pork spare ribs 
a bundle   asparagus
3 bell   peppers
an   apple
100 c.c.   soy sauce
a glass   BBQ sauce
little   ginger, garlic, and black pepper

<<Lemon fried wings>>(4~6 servings)
6    wings
a glass    lemon soda
2   lemons(most for decoration)
100 c.c.   soy sauce
little   ginger and garlic
1 tsp.  salt


1. 先把肉洗乾淨,並將肋排用廢水 沸水川燙兩分鐘。

2. 用醬油、少許的薑絲及蒜末,很大器地調好兩盆醃料備用(肋排的那一盆要多加五湯匙的烤肉醬)。高興的話,你可以加一些蘋果丁增加香氣,不高興也可以加。

3. 將雞翅放進一盆醃料中,醃漬30分鐘。另一邊則是準備滷肋排:將川燙的水倒掉後,把另一盆醃料到進鍋裡,並倒入適量的水直到漫過勒排為止。把水煮沸後,轉小火滷30分鐘。

4. 在等待的過程,可以把甜椒跟蘆筍洗好、切好鋪在烤盤上備用。然後,擠半顆檸檬汁,以及一些檸檬切片。

5. 菜切好後,應該還有一些時間預熱烤箱。180oC,十分鐘。

6. 把滷好的肋排救起來,放上烤盤,朝上的一面塗上烤肉醬,推入火坑 放入烤箱烤20分鐘。

7. 把醃好的雞翅,放入平底鍋內煎至兩面金黃。

8. 倒入一杯200c.c. 的雪碧,並加入一小匙的鹽巴,把雞翅煎熟。

9. 湯汁收乾後,灑上一小匙的檸檬汁調味,即可上桌~

10. 烤完一面肋排後,把肋排從烤箱中端出,翻面塗烤肉醬,再烤10分鐘。從烤箱端出,即大公告成~一次兩到菜上桌:D


1. wash clean the ribs and the wings. Scald the ribs for 2 mins and let stand.

2. use soy sauce, ginger slices, and garlic mince to prepare the marinade. Don't forget to add 5 tsp. BBQ source into the marinade for the ribs. If you like, you can also add some apple cubes into the marinade to gain flavor.

3. marinate the wings with the bowl of marinade without BBQ sauce for 30 mins. On the other side, we start stewing the ribs: remove the scalding water, pour the marinade into the pot, add water till the ribs immersed, and stew for 30 mins.

4. during waiting, you can wash and cut the peppers and asparagus. Spread them on the bakeware waiting for the ribs. Then slice the lemon for decoration lately, and don't forget to keep half lemon for seasoning.

5. after dealing with the vegetables, I guess you still have time to pre-heat the oven to 180oC.

6. when the ribs is ready, put them on the bakeware ,brush them with BBQ sauce, and send it into the oven baking for 20 mins.

7. Let's come back to the wings. We put the wings in pan and fried them till golden brown.

8. add 200c.c. lemon soda, and a little salt into the pan.

9. when the sauce is getting dry, we can squeeze some zest lemon juice on the wings. Then the lemon fried wings is ready to serve.

10. As to the ribs, we have to turn them and bake for another 10 mins. Then it's also done.

Hope you will like it~ the baked spare ribs and the lemon fried wings. :D

























香煎馬鈴薯Home fries~

 Home fries as the side dish~~yummyyyyyyyyy


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