Dear Carin, dear closest part of mine,


I’m sorry for this belated letter.


That day morning was just like other common days. I still seem to see the concave on the bed you left. Nevertheless you’ve left forever. It happens so suddenly that I had no time to say goodbye.


Due to the deepest missing to the wonderful face which I was ever such familiar with, I’ve tried to write you for times. I hoped that I could gain some comfort in this way. I keep thinking if I would be able to see you again. If so, once is enough.


While I was writing, the lack of your gazing and the lack of your breath brought me the huge empty emptiness. It swallowed me to void. I hate this void! Could anyone tell me? Why you? How I hope we never knew each other, but how I’m thankful I had met you.


Time’s creek keeps washing never stop. Although the contradictory is still inside me, the wound is like your image becoming blurred in my mind. Now what I only remember is that a lady was always angry at me, and her smile was the most wonderful thing in the world I’d ever seen.


The lady ever told me: she envied so much that the caterpillar can exist without being noticed, and afterward becoming a beautiful butterfly flying to the sky. I think now is the time to let you fly. I should release you from the chains in my mind.


Goodbye, my beautiful butterfly...





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